Friday, July 3, 2009

Meet Me In 5 Years

I've always had an idea of where I wanted to be in five years, and although I'm not where I thought I'd be five years ago, I definitely don't have the same plans I did 5 years ago. Sometimes you just need to write things down in order to motivate and keep your eyes on the prize. "Write the vision, and make it plain." So I'm putting pen to paper/fingers to keyboard, and laying it ALL out there. My hopes are to achieve everything I am setting out to achieve, and much much more. So here we go:

5 Years From Now:

*Have my own Political Consulting Firm
*Be on at least one "Rising 30 under 30" List
*Be married (sheesh that one is
*Have a house or FABULOUS and ridiculously expensive apartment in NYC
*Be financially table
*Consult for a MAJOR political candidate


Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration